YAPC::Asia 2006 Tokyo Speakers

Atsushi Kato

Atsushi Kato

文学部哲学及倫理学専攻出身な文系プログラマ。Perldoc.jp にて、perltoot, perltooc, perluniintro 他いろいろ翻訳してたり、Sumibi.org の Ajax 作ったりしてます。が、最近は、どちらもサボり気味。


Audrey Tang

Audrey Tang

Audrey Tang (Traditional chinese: 唐鳳) is a Taiwanese free software programmer, best known for initiating and leading the Pugs project, a joint effort from Haskell and Perl communities to implement the Perl 6 language.

She is also known for internationalization and localization contributions to several Free Software programs, including Kwiki, Request Tracker and Slash, as well as heading Traditional Chinese translation efforts for various Open Source-related books.

On CPAN, Tang maintains over 100 Perl projects, including the popular Perl Archive Toolkit (PAR), a cross-platform packaging and deployment tool for Perl 5. She is also responsible for setting up smoke test and digital signature systems for CPAN.

Being a high school dropout, Tang is a vocal proponent for autodidactism and individualist anarchism.

Batara Kesuma

Batara Kesuma

  • Website: http://mixi.jp/
  • From: Japan
  • Organization: 株式会社ミクシィ

2004年4月より正社員として株式会社イー・マーキュリー(現 株式会社ミクシィ)

Chia-liang Kao

Chia-liang Kao

Chia-liang Kao used to live in the mountains in Taiwan and travels around the world to motivate himself to write svk that allows working offline. He now lives in London and works for Fotango.

Daisuke Maki

有限会社endeworks代表。ブラジル、アメリカを流浪した後アメリカに飽きて2004年に帰国。 高速クローラーXango、PerlモジュールSenna、XML::RSS::LibXML等の作者。

Daisuke Murase

Daisuke Murase

最近は仕事も遊びもほとんどCatalyst based。

Damian Conway

Damian Conway

Dr Damian Conway is a professional Perl sensei.

A well-known member of the international Perl community and a widely sought-after speaker and trainer, Damian is also the author of numerous popular CPAN modules, a member of the technical committee for The Perl Conference, a keynote speaker at many Open Source conferences, a former columnist for "The Perl Journal", the author of the books "Object Oriented Perl" (Manning 2000) and "Perl Best Practices" (O'Reilly 2005), and a co-author of "Perl Hacks" (O'Reilly 2006). In 2001 Damian received the first "Perl Foundation Development Grant" and spent 20 months working on projects for the betterment of the world-wide Perl community.

He was, until recently an Associate Professor in Computer Science at Monash University, Australia. He now runs an international IT training company (http://damian.conway.org) that provides programmer and management training from beginner to masterclass level throughout Europe, North America, Asia, and Australia.

Most of his spare time is spent working with Larry Wall on the design of the new Perl 6 programming language.

Dan Kogai

Dan Kogai

オープンソース・プログラマー、 元オン・ザ・エッヂ取締役最高技術責任者(CTO) PerlにおけるJcode.pm、そして現在はEncode.pmの開発を手がけている。

Dave Rolsky

Dave Rolsky

Dave Rolsky has worked as a Perl developer since the end of 1998. Currently he is employed by Socialtext, Inc. developing their enterprise wiki application. He has contributed to a number of free software projects including Mason, and co-wrote Embedding Perl in HTML with Mason for O'Reilly, published in 2002.

Hiroyuki Oyama

Hiroyuki Oyama

フリーランスのプログラマで一児の父。DBD::mysqlPP, DBD::PgPP, Net::YahooMessengerなどビミョーなモジュールをCPANに送りつけるものの、その後は「patch待ってます」で放置するダメCPAN Author。著書 Apacheモジュールプログラミングガイド。

Ingy döt Net

Ingy döt Net

Ingy döt Net is the Spiffy Perl Hacker who brought you Inline, YAML, Kwiki, Spork and other ridiculous top level namespaces. Lately he has been doing way too much Javascript. He is currently employed by Socialtext who lets him live anywhere in the world, which is exactly where he resides.

Jesse Vincent

Jesse Vincent

  • Website: http://fsck.com/
  • From: United States
  • Organization: Best Practical Solutions

Jesse is the creator of RT and the founder of Best Practical Solutions. He spends an awful lot of time on airplanes.

Kang-min Liu

Kang-min Liu

Free agent writing packages, classes, prototypes, lambdas, markups, and most difficult of all, text/plain. Free mind playing instruments, garagebands, musics, and coffee machines; consuming only caffeine, longjump to any cafe with no labels.

Kazuho Oku

Kazuho Oku

1997年に開発開始したPalm OS用ウェブブラウザ「Palmscape」が評価され、Technology Review 誌 (マサチューセッツ工科大学) より「TR100/2002」を受賞。IPA2004年度第1回未踏ソフトウェア創造事業において「ウェブアプリケーション統合開発環境の開発」により「天才プログラマー/スーパークリエータ」認定。2005年8月、サイボウズ・ラボ入社。

Kenichi Ishigaki

Kenichi Ishigaki

副業としてプログラマもしているけれど、frameworkより flameworkの方が得意かも。

Larry Wall

Larry Wall

Writer, Author and Creator of Perl.

Leon Brocard

Leon Brocard

Leon Brocard (aka acme) is an orange-loving Perl eurohacker with many varied contributions to the Perl community, including the GraphViz module on the CPAN. YAPC::Europe was all his fault. He is still looking for a Perl Monger group he can start which begins with the letter 'D'.

Marty Pauley

Marty Pauley

Marty Pauley is a Hacker and GNU Guerilla from 火星, in Northern Ireland. He codes in many languages, including Perl, to build data manipulation programs and web applications. He manages the network and GNU/Linux systems for a small ISP, and helps to organise the Belfast Linux User Group.

Masayoshi Sekimura

Masayoshi Sekimura

2005年6月くらいから Six Apart の TypePad engineer。
ロケフリ+PSP で Lifehack の申し子っす。

Masayoshi Takahashi

Masayoshi Takahashi



Masayuki Moriyama

Masayuki Moriyama

Perl 5.8.0 の Encode モジュールの CP932 での変換問題に取り組んだのがきっかけで、いろいろな所に出没。圧倒的なシェアを誇る Windows との日本語情報交換をスムースに行えるようにするには、どうしたら良いかを模索している。

Naoya Ito

Naoya Ito


Shinya Hayakawa

  • From: Japan

Tatsuhiko Miyagawa

Tatsuhiko Miyagawa

Shibuya.pm リーダーにして、CPAN モジュール制作数 で世界3本の指に入る Perl Hacker。著書に Blog Hacks など。現在は Six Apart にて VP of Partner Engineering。

Tokuhiro Matsuno

Tokuhiro Matsuno

Sledge でモバイル向けのサイトの開発/運用を行うのが本業。

Yoshinori Takesako

Yoshinori Takesako

サイボウズ・ラボ株式会社 所属。
Namazu for Win32 のメンテナでもある。

Yukihiro Matsumoto

Yukihiro Matsumoto

Yukihiro Matsumoto ("Matz"), the creator of Ruby, is a professional programmer who worked for the Japanese open source company, netlab.jp. "Matz" is also known as one of the open source evangelists in Japan. He's released several open source products, including cmail, the emacs-based mail user agent, written entirely in emacs lisp.